Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Baking with Jo

On Tuesday the class had a lot of fun baking with Jo. They made delicious chocolate chip cookies.
Here are a couple of recounts by the children.

Yesterday on Tuesday my class did some baking with Harry's Mum Jo. We volunteered to do some baking with Jo and other kids in the class. In my group I had Carlo, Amelia, Xavier C, Xavier M, Thomas and me. We had so much fun.
I put the egg in the bowl. I shared half my cookie with my Mum but I forgot about my Dad. I felt super happy about the cookies, they were delicious.
By Kaley

On Tuesday morning Harry's Mum Jo volunteered to bake with us. The first group that did the baking was my group. First Thomas opened a packet and poured it in. Next it was my turn and it was a disaster. I had to crack an egg in with the mixture and the yoke went everywhere, only some went in the bowl. We had to mix it in, while we were mixing the milk had to go in the bowl. We all got to mix but once we finished mixing we had to get some dough and roll it in the palm of our hands. Then we had to squashed it with a fork. Some were burnt but once they were all done we got to eat them and they were delicious. We had two and they were chocolate chip cookies. I felt good because we got to eat chocolate chip cookies and the funniest thing was when I cracked the egg onto the table.
The dough tasted like they were already made and it was good. Stirring was my favourite bit because I like putting my arm round and round, it's fun.
by Lachie

1 comment:

  1. Great work Jo, looks like you've got a real 'Junior Master Chef' Class going there! Always great to have eager helpers. I hope Mrs Stevens enjoyed her birthday celebrations on Saturday - Happy Birthday from Room 5!
